Sponsorship 2024
Posted on 6th February 2024 at 16:04
Do you want to promote your business as well as supporting an amateur cricket club?
From as little as £25 you can make a vital contribution to our club, enabling us to provide the resources we
need to keep the club running. From playing facilities for matches to equipment for our juniors, sponsorship
helps to significantly subsidise the costs to our membership so that we can be as inclusive as possible,
offering cricket to everyone in our local community.
For the forthcoming 2024 season we are seeking new kit sponsors. We will guarantee exposure for your
business on our playing shirts for the next three seasons, which will be worn by all three of our senior teams,
currently playing in the Devon League. For £350, you will receive a playing kit sleeve advert for a minimum of
three seasons, plus our fixture card package for the 2024 season, which includes a player and match
sponsorship as well as an advert in our fixture card. This will not only promote your local business but support
your local cricket club.

If kit sponsorship is not for you, please check out one of our other business sponsorship packages at
www.babbacombecricketclub.com; from £25 for a player sponsorship, £50 for a match and player
sponsorship, £100 for an advert in the fixture card, match and player sponsorship, £200 for an advertising
board on the pavillion, an ad in the fixture card, match and player sponsorship, or becoming a main club
sponsor, there is something for all budgets.
By choosing one of our sponsorship packages, you will not only be supporting a local community sports club,
but will be advertising your business to our membership, social guests, visiting cricket and skittles teams,
spectators and the general public accessing Walls Hill, as well as our followers on social media.
To get involved, please contact us: babbacombecc@gmail.com and join the other businesses who
already support the club.
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